Where have I been?

This is a simple but not simple answer lol cause well you know I had a couple of things going on.

First lets start with this. I got a new job and its a 8am-4pm job. Really really cool and fun job. I am loving what I am doing so far, and even more important I am learning and growing my love for IT. I will not say where it is cause unlike my other jobs in the past I actually care about this one and enjoy it. So with that I am trying to reevaluate my time and figure out when I can stream without messing up that job. This also includes the Podcast. I am still wanting to work on it and produce more episodes but have to get my timing figured out first. I still have one person that is a friend locally that I want to get on but we both have different availabilities, and I am trying to get my laptop setup so I can just drop by his place of work and get it recorded there if possible. Also as you can tell I am taking longer to write my blog post which is another thing that I am trying to figure out what to type, I will get into that on the next main point. I just recently did a stream for Extra-Life which you can watch either on my YouTube, which is releasing 2 to 3 videos a week for the next couple of weeks of each game split into its own part for the streams, or you can go to my Twitch and look at the collections for that, both linked above. I am also starting new games and working on getting comfortable to stream them. Which means I am going to talk about the second point next.

Secondly I have been working through a depression, or I would assume it is. I almost all but lost the want to stream and produce over the last 3 to 6 months if not longer. I felt like I was missing something and have been just trying to find it as I play games, and hang out with friends, cause luckily I can do that now with my job. It just has something to do with how long I been producing content both on Twitch and YouTube and haven’t really grown much. This has to do with me not wanting to do cheap tricks and edits to get the views. I am wanting to stick to who I am and be me, but that doesn’t get the views like it used to cause of the flooded market. I recently started trying to collaborate with other streamers and content producers, which is why you saw me stream Halo Infinite with my buddy Hazard and Mike. I also am still trying to help answer questions with my friends who are starting up producing content. I had the stream recently working with TheLuigimaster1000, as he helps and edits a video for me to get him and me some joint work together. But even with all of that going on I feel like I am stuck and not knowing what to do. I am mentally fine, no need to worry about me doing anything stupid to myself, this is about how to move forward and have time for me and my personal life as well as my creation life. I spent most of my time since I started creating only focusing on creating and putting my personal life second or third to everything else and I want that to change.

What does this all mean for me creating? How do I move forward and still have the joy I had when I first started in June 2008? I really don’t know I just find something I enjoy and will stream it. I stopped asking for review keys so I can get back to the basics of streaming, even when I have no viewers, and be entertaining even after the stream has ended. Being entertaining no matter when or how you watch my content has always been a number one key. I believe I can stream and have the video with just as much information as a planned edited video. I have shown this in my older videos on the dead channel, Ninjagamerzhub, with Lego Batman 2 and with Rogue Squadron on the N64 recently. I am also upgrading my pc to be able to use my green screen as well as getting it so I can record Tabletop and Card games easier.

So with this big wall of text I hope I make some kind of sense and you can understand what I am trying to say. I will continue to stream at random times and with random games. I enjoy the community we have built here together.


Happy New Year: What to expect from me this year


MO Game Con 5