MO Game Con 5

What my thoughts are about the only local gaming convention? And what did I pick up there? Find out as I type this out. Is that how I am suppose to get you wanting to read this lol.

I guess I am first going to say I volunteer at this convention every year but one, cause my job wouldn’t give me the time off. I will have a couple of gallery’s one of my pickups at the end and one of the floor from different angles.


First off is the floor and my blurry pictures. I didn’t take many pictures but I stood around Retro Tony’s table and spun around lol. The layout was the same as last time I went, but more spread out to help keep people some what apart. Then you have a picture of Kaiju in the Trivia Contest. That was a 3 v 3 setup hosted by RedSonja and one other who I didn’t catch the name for, cause I entered late.

It was a fun ting to watch and it was excited to see Kaiju take part in it. There was no guest this year but some people flew out on their own dime. In one of these pictures you see John Riggs and then there was Adam Koralik, both dudes are very chill and Adam helped drop some knowledge on to Luigimaster1000 on what games to play first on the Dreamcast.


Then near the end of the day before cleaning up LuigiMaster1000 and I were playing some Duck Hunt and I had to get a video of the TV for the younger folks who don’t know how our TVs used to act like. Here is that video.


Lastly what did I pickup when I was there? Well take a look at the images here.

So I got a couple of cool games. Lets list them off, starting with the Gameboy Games the move our way through them.

First off is Pokemon Red and Pokemon Fire Red. Both games are ones that I been wanting for a while now I just didn’t want to chance buying them online and not having batteries working. Next was Tetris cause it was free from Retro Tony when I got the game Project Sylpheed. If you don’t know what Project Sylpheed is well let me just tell you I love flight games, anime, and space stuff this is all of that rolled into one. Then I ran into my buddy who runs a group on Facebook for buying, selling, and trading called Filthy Game Room - Buy/Sell/Trade - Videogames Toys, and Comics(etc.) and its run by Ben Bizzle. He had some games I got, starting with Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes. I actually bought that a week before and he brought it with him to save on shipping cost. But as soon as I got there I saw Wild Arms 2, and then went back and got Wild Arms 3, a PS1 Slime, and got a memory card with it. The last thing I bought from Ben was a hat for the group. Then the last 2 things I got was a VMU cause I needed to get LuigiMaster1000 to get one so I got one and he got one. Then I went up to Riggs and bought his new game he brought with him.

In all I had a lot of fun at the convention and I suggest if you are in the are always go and have fun. I got to meet and talk with a lot of friends I don’t get to see normally cause of how the live over an hour away. I also help with multiple things from checking tickets, to giving out information and helping take stuff down at the end of the night.


Now let me give you some links about either people or things I talked about in this post.

John Riggs Social Media
Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch

Retro Tony



Filthy Game Room

Facebook Group


Where have I been?


PSP & PS3 How to Login and Download Games