PSP & PS3 How to Login and Download Games


So this started out being a how to download your PSP game to the system and how to login to both PSP and PS3 and well it turned into how I feel about it and how the games run on the PSP.


First thing I should say logining into both systems are very annoying, since Sony didn’t update the the systems to work with 2 step verification. Now you have to go find an extra new password from their site, which they don’t tell you until you go to login via the PS3 and its not explained very well. So I am going to start there, how to find the needed password to login for both systems.

If you are not able to see your Router or Access Point make sure to go look at the bottom of this post so you can see how I do.


This is the site once you log into your PSN account. To get here all you have to do is click here Then click “Login”, click on your “Profile Picture”, and then click “Account Settings”.
Now once you are there just click ‘Security” and then click “Continue”.


Then click “Device Setup Password” Warning I already have 2-Step Verification setup and turn on so idk if that has to be on for this.


Now that you made it here, you only have a couple of more steps. Well just click “Generate New Password”. Then you will have a password on the screen you will use. Make sure you then enter the password and check the box for “Save Password” and “Auto Sign-In”. Once entered and you are signed-in make sure to click done on this page. It saves the password for the device. Notice how I have On Device twice on this screen.


Now that you are logged in its time to download some games. This part from here on out will be just text, cause I don’t have images to show you but its simple.

To start lets go over the PS3(this also works for the PSP on this method but the security protocols for the PSP is older and you need to have WPA on your Router), cause the system can use new security protocols for routers, so nothing new has to be done.

First, go to the PS Store.

Second, if you already purchased the item go to View Downloads. This on the PSP, I know I said we were doing the PS3 first but its the same icon I believe, is an Arrow pointing down onto 2 lines in a half box.

Third and the most annoying part besides the one download at a time lol, go through the list until you find items you can download. It will have Download on the right side. This works for both PS3 and PSP.

Now lets move on to purchasing items from the PS Store on the PSP, this will work for PS3 and well, but I want to dive into first how to connect your PSP to the internet. This probably should of been first before how to sign in, so I am sorry.

So to start you need to have WPA and know its an older security method on Routers. So to start I created a Guest Access Point on my Router so I don’t mess with the normal day to day traffic on my network. So on my Guest Access Point I have it setup for both WPA and WPA2. Now that you have it all setup you can connect.

So this is the next way to download your games, again this can work on both systems. I will be explaining it and only thing that is different is how you type to search lol.

First, thing you do once you get into the PS Store you have to click on the “Search/Magnifying Glass”

Second, now you type in the name of the game you want to find, on PSP you then hit start and click “Search”. PS3 will just go off of the the letters and the results will appear to the right.

Third if you have the your credit card saved you can click “Add to Cart”, you can click that when searching games. Just go to the game and its there right under purchase or buy.

Fourth and the final thing for the PSP, PS3 you can click download in the background, but the PSP is different. So once you have everything in the cart and you added funds to your wallet all you do is purchase and on the PSP it will give you an option to download everything at once back to back. This is the best way to download multiple games, but the downside is you have to buy more than one game. If you go off the download list its one game at a time and it takes forever for both systems lol.

So I told you I wanted to tell you how I felt when doing all of this as well. So this will be short but it will be rambling. This was a pain in my ass to state the least. It all pissed me off to start with cause I didn’t know about the Device Password. Once I figured that out it was all a cake walk. I knew about the WPA for my router but I had to decide if I wanted to have a Guest Access Point or just use my standard one. Once I decided again it was fast and easy, minus one little thing. That would be I had to turn off both my PS3 and PSP for a couple of hours. There is a bug when downloading or trying to download that makes your activation fail, and the only way I could solve it was to turn off both systems for a couple of hours each. The other main problem was trying to install games from the PS3 to the PSP using the USB Connection mode. This doesn’t work at all, and I don’t know if its cause of Sony or what. That is why I hated downloading everything on the PSP cause its so slow lol.

I also feel like I should state I am using a Micro SD Card Adaptor for my PSP so I can get 32gbs of storage for cheap. The Official Memory Stick Duo cards are stupidly expensive last time I checked, and I only ever had a 4gb stick originally. This has helped me get everything I wanted and still have some room if I wanted more. Now that I have everything downloaded I also want to state I played a Dynasty Warriors game and Final Fantasy Tactics for PSP, I think its a remake, and Mega Man Maverick Hunters X. These all loaded fast and worked perfectly. I will be playing more and streaming some more in the coming days, might of already happened before this releases, if so I will link the YouTube videos in here after this part. Hopefully this will give you an idea of how I feel about the PSP and PS3 in the days or months to come.

I hope you enjoy this and I hope it helps out trying to get logged in and downloading your games before the PSP store closes.

Don’t forget to share this around if you enjoyed it and have a great day!


MO Game Con 5


Evercade and my time with it!