Best way to play Star Trek: Bridge Crew

First off I wanted to state I am going to pull 3 random videos of me playing this game across 3 platforms. The platforms are as follows: PS4, PC with Rift S, and Quest 2. Now before I get into the best way to play it, lets talk about the game and each of the different roles you play.



  • Checking Objectives

  • Targeting Objectives

  • Warp Locations

  • Impulse Locations

  • View Screen Settings

  • Ship Status

  • While Roleplaying Ordering the Crew on what to do

I like this role cause I like to order people on what to do.



  • Steer the ship

  • Set the speed

  • Impulse to location

  • Warp to location

Like I stated its very simple and not much to it. The Captain will target a object and tell you to go there, or the Captain will tell you where to jump to(impulse and warp).



  • Shoot things with Phasers

  • Scan things

  • Turn on Shields

  • Fire Torpedoes

This one is the most fun cause you fight to defend the ship. Tactical is also annoying if your Helmsmen cant keep the target in front of you.



  • Transfer power between subsystems

  • Teleport living things from one ship to your ship

  • Send repair teams to fix the ship

    • If you are playing on Next Generation then you have to send crew members around to man stations, this also repairs systems

  • Charge Warp Coils

This one is exciting and scary for small moments at a time, can be the most challenging in the game besides the Captain.


Now that is all out of the way lets talk about how the game runs on each of the different platforms. First I want to state each of the platforms can be played in Non VR minus the Quest 2. Second you can play the PC version with a Controller or Keyboard and Mouse.

Now I will give a rundown on each of the platforms and what I think of them. Once I am done with each of them I will have 3 videos one from each platform.


This version is the one I have played the most, and actually don’t like playing on since it uses a camera to track your head and hands. When using the PSVR it uses a camera hooked up to the system and the headset and move controllers have balls with light on them so the camera can track. The PSVR headset isn’t to heavy but its not the lightest out of the three. The move controllers are annoying. They are big and uncomfortable, I also have a lot of trouble using the Next Generation Tactical position with these. The camera doesn’t work the greatest for me. Now all of this is cause I am short and not that tall. If you are taller than me you will have a lot more success, all of my taller friends who have it love the PSVR.

Oculus Rift S on PC

This is my preferred way to play. The only down side is the wire connected to my PC isn’t super long, but its enough for me to roll to the middle of the room. Now the controllers for the Rift S is very similar to the Quest 2 and very very good in my opinion. The headset has mini cameras on it to see where you are. You have to first tell the headset where the floor is, this is the first part of the Guardian. Next you have to draw a circle, this will tell the system what size your play area is. If you get close to the edge of it it will pop up and show red. These controllers sync up to the headset and tracks very well, and I only barely have a problem which seems to be only in certain programs. When in Bridge Crew I never have a problem once I get everything setup. It works the best out of the 3. Also note the PSVR and Rift S don’t have problems when playing Captain, you get to see both screens on the Aegis Bridge.

Oculus Quest 2

This setup is the same as the Rift S. Now once in game you have a problem with not being able to see both screens for the Captain on the Aegis Bridge. Besides that if you play Multiplayer the game will do a couple of things. First you will not be able to talk or another crew member will not be able to, somebody will not be able to be heard. This game is all about communications so not being able to talk and be heard. The second thing might happen is the game will just freeze and crash. You will have to manual close the game and reopen it. I am waiting to test this to see if the Quest 2 owner can be someone who isn’t hosting, I did 5 test as a host and 4 had problems. This game is still fun to play when you are playing single player but the AI is just dumb in my opinion.

This is on PSVR Single Player Patrol

This is Rift S and 4 player multiplayer

This is Quest 2 Single Player


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