My First Month with Oculus Quest 2


I will be going over the hardware and have videos to showcase games I have been playing.

First lets talk about all of the hardware before I get into each individual piece. The hardware is very similar to the Rift S I have. The main difference is the headset. You can see in the image above the way the strap is on the back, its not the easiest to figure out but at the same time you play with it for a little and you will figure it out. Battery life is supposed to be 2-3hours and I can say its about that depending if you kill your battery. I will talk more about in a second or two.


So lets look at the controllers. First off lets check out the left one, each of them are the same but with different face buttons and the Oculus button is on the Right Controller. It has 2 face buttons and a joystick. There also is a menu button as well. The same goes for the triggers there is 2 of them with one being on the side and one on the front. Most games these do either the same thing or the side button is held down so you hold an item in the game. The trigger on the front is usually the action button.


Lets talk about best habits on keeping your battery at the length you want. All of this comes from the Help Section on Oculus Website, I am also wording it as I remember it so its not one for one.

  1. First off make sure to turn off your Quest 2 when not using it

  2. Charge only until its fully charged

  3. Don’t over charge it

With these easy steps or measures you should keep your Quest 2 battery at the best state.


Lets go talk about games now. The games we will be talking about are as followed: Beat Saber - Linkin Park: In The End, Jurassic Park, Star Trek Bridge Crew, Star Wars Vader Immortal, Star Wars: Tales at Galaxy’s Edge. All videos are in 4:3 ratio cause when I stream it or cast it, it stays in that aspect ratio and I have no idea why. Also if I go to stream it you most likely will not see it cause I can only stream it to my Personal Page and Groups on Facebook. I might make a new group up for my Channels page just to stream these to.


First is Beat Saber cause its the shortest video

My reaction is I cant do this, then I tried it. This game is a lot like Dance Dance Revolution, but you are using your arms instead of your feet.

As you are able to see you use the Red Saber to cut the Red Blocks, and you cut in the direction of the Arrow. If its the Block with a Circle then you can cut how ever you want. The same thing goes for the Black Saber, the color changes depending on the song.


This game is called Jurassic World Aftermath.

I only played about 30 minutes and it was not what I was expecting. At the same time I did enjoy what I played.

Its more of a stealth game kind of like how Alien Isolation. The game feels great as you move and I don’t get sick from motion sickness or anything like that. I can see how people could so just be careful if you don’t know if you would get motion sickness.


Star Trek: Bridge Crew - Next Generation DLC

This is by far my favorite of the games here. This puts you in control of a Starship for the Federation with 3 different Bridges and 4 different Crew Stations.

First lets dive into the Bridges, Starships. First off is the main one for the game. This one looks like the Kelvin Timeline ships from the new movies. This ship has a unique feature where you can disable subsystems of enemy Starships, you have to scan them first. Then you have the Original Enterprise. This is hard mode for the game cause the other two Bridges have wording/labeling on each screen to help you figure out stuff. This doesn’t have any of that. It has the buttons as best as they can recreate it via the show. Lastly we have the Bridge I am showing off in this video, Next Generation Enterprise D. This one has the ability to have Homing Photon Torpedo or Proxy Photon Torpedo. It also has a Crew System, that you can move your crew around to give bonuses to certain systems.

Now each station I will give a brief run down. If you want more information on it make sure to hit me up on the videos.

  1. Captain - This station gives orders and has all of the objectives to guide or lead the crew to their goals.

  2. Tactical - This station scans, defends the ship(Shots Phasers and Photon Torpedo), raise shields.

  3. Helm - This station handles the driving the Starship, this includes impulse and warp.

  4. Engineering - This stations changes on the bridge, cause you have engineering crew or just crew. You repair subsystems and manage the power levels for your ship. Some bridges you also teleport objectives if needed.

The last 2 are both Star Wars games and both are very different. But I am enjoying both of them a lot. So I will have both as a video and then I will talk about both of them under each video.

➤ Audible Trial:➤ Prime 30-DayTrial:➤ PATREON:➤ Stone Age Gamer: https:/...

Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge is a shooter. You get to walk around and collect items, solve puzzles, and shoot things. This is a lot of fun but is more challenging than what I am used to.

➤ Audible Trial:➤ Prime 30-DayTrial:➤ PATREON:➤ Stone Age Gamer: https:/...


➤ Audible Trial:➤ Prime 30-DayTrial:➤ PATREON:➤ Stone Age Gamer: https:/...


➤ Audible Trial:➤ Prime 30-DayTrial:➤ PATREON:➤ Stone Age Gamer: https:/...

Star Wars: Vader Immortal is a series of 3 games that have a story spanning all 3 episodes. Each episode also has a Dojo where you can fight waves of enemies while standing still, you still have to worry about stuff behind you but it makes it a lot of fun. Also each episode introduces more complex battle mechanics. These range from having force powers, to holding a gun, to having thermal detonators, to finally being able to duel wield sabers.


In all I had a lot of fun with this piece of equipment over the past month, just under if I want to be honest. I love my Rift S but they are now making games where you can only get them on the Quest 2. One last thing I will leave you with is. If you buy a game on Rift S you most likely will get it on the Quest 2, if its supported. That is how I got Vader Immortal and Bridge Crew on my Quest 2. I bought Beat Saber via my Quest 2 shop and didn’t receive it for the Rift S so it might be a one way thing. I will also finish the blog with a gallery of the pictures I took for this post and some of them I didnt use, so you can see everything I have for the system. The system also uses a USB-C charging wire, and has one headphone port like the Rift S.

I hope you all enjoyed this don’t forget to share this on Social Media and tag me @kenzencrese. Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by.


Best way to play Star Trek: Bridge Crew


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