Where have I been? What is my plan for the future?

So if you didn’t see my social media post I lost my dog, she died of old age and lung failure. She was at peace and not in pain when she passed but she was like my child and it took a toll on me. So I stopped doing everything while I focused on trying to get better mentally. Now that I am starting to get better its time for me to start to work on my projects again.

What this means I am starting to look into my next guest on the Podcast. I have one setup but have to wait until he is done on a job, he does a lot of movie and tv shoots so he is always away.


He is known as Daeshan and you can follow him on social media by clicking on his name. When he is able to record the episode I will be setting up a Minecraft server for us to play on. If you don’t know who he is, well I will explain it in a brief summary. He was one of the first people that I worked with at TGN Allods and one other channel, cant remember the name. But he had a very intelligent and quick learning nature to him. He would cover a lot of mods and techniques for Minecraft. When we left TGN he would be the Minecraft guy and played with some big named Tubers at the time. He took off and let that get his skills of video editing, networking, and content creating grow to the level they are now. He covered other games as well and helped me with some MMO Showcases on MRE Games. He is an amazing young man who is not creating content for YouTube/Twitch as of me typing this, or is doing it very low amounts so he can focus on his primary career.

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Now on to this thing above the text, my YouTube channel. I plan on starting off with like 1 Video per week. This can change to be more than that depending on what I want to show. I am working on trying out my Oculus Quest 2 and seeing if I can get the footage from it so I can use it in a video and compare some games to the Rift S and PSVR. I would use Bridge Crew for this since it will be the easiest to do it with. I can also do it with Vader Immortal if you would like just have to know.

After that is done I have to finish Spider-Man on the N64 since that won the vote on what to stream next. I don’t know if it will have Microphone or not, haven’t decided yet. But I am also trying my hardest to get a PS5 or Xbox Series X and stream games from there so you can see what I think of them, not going great so far on that one lol. Lastly if you want to suggest games to play cause they interest you or suggest someone to have on the Podcast let me know. I would be happy to take any suggestions.

The last thing I want to say is thank you for all of the support and sticking around while I take this time off and slowly start back up. When I tell you it means so much to me words cant explain my appreciation enough. Spirit was my child and my best friend when I was home she was here and now show is gone everything feels off and it is taking time to get used to that. I am able I think to start up my production and try to get back to my normal in some kind of way.

Thank you everyone


My First Month with Oculus Quest 2


My Favorite Gaming Memories? Why have I not posted a blog in a bit?