My Favorite Music

I originally wanted to talk about what music did for me, but I got side tracked and talked about my favorite bands, and explaining what they do for me while listening. I still have some of the parts stating what each type of music and what it does for me and I am fine with that. I shared some of my favorite music from my favorite bands.


So this one is kind of a bit odd for me to type, and that is only cause I don’t remember names of songs or artist that much. Its one of those type of things if I really really like the song I will make sure to remember, but even then I sometimes forget. Now I know I mainly talk about video games and what they mean to me, or I talk about how the product is. This time I want to drive into my taste in music and when I listen to it. I will be linking my personal Spotify and maybe Pandora Playlist so you can listen to some of my music types.


First lets talk about what type of music I like to listen to. That in itself is really a timeframe. I love some 80s/90s/00s. That is the timeframe of music I love, but I grew up listening to the 50s/60s/70s as well. I enjoy most of the music from both of these timeframes. There is also some genres I cant put into those timelines cause they are inspired by those eras of music. The main era of songs I listen to is the 80s-00s. I am a big Rock, Techno, Rap, and other smaller genres from those time. I was really really big into Grunge back in the 90s cause that was what my brother was listening to and I was trying to be recognized by him.


So when it comes to the way I zone out its all about loud and sound blocking. It has to block out whatever is going on around me cause I don’t want to hear or notice what is going on. That is why I like the Dance style of music for that. When I am angry or upset I listen to a Metal Variant, I think its called Power Metal.

There is an example of that to the right of here, if you are on PC idk how it will look on mobile devices.

This was the type of music I listened to the night my brother died. I had this blaring in my ear while playing my Switch so I could be left alone. I was able to hear the the heart monitor and couldn’t take it. The last 2 hours of us being there with him had me in the hallway with this music blaring, cause I don’t like hospitals, nobody does, but I already said my goodbyes to him an hour earlier and I was hoping to be able to process and be able to see him right afterwards. But I couldn’t cause of that damn beeping of the machine.


Then I also really love music that started as Disco and then moved into the Electronic style. Just cause it helps move my body. That is why when in Jr High and High School I would play DDR. But there are times when you get a very well done mixture of multiple music types, like the band Stratovarius. In general I use music to escape from the world when video games don’t work. If its like I have a lot of work to get done or its some paper I had to write for school.


But when I am in a good mood I like up beat music to keep me moving. It has to have a story to it as well. Doesn’t have to be a big story but just a story for the song. There are many types of stories for songs. One could be about how you didn’t see something coming. Or it could be the generic but still very effective, if written well, about having sex. To the I am going to win you back style of song. There are more ways a story can be used but this is a simple explanation of it so I can try to explain what I want to.

Here is an example of one, that is sex based, and it still works.

But then you just have music that is nothing but amazing and godly. I tend to think most of, if not all of, Queen are like that. I say it going off of the songs I know of them and listen to regularly. They will be the last group of music I share on here with one from their official channel, which is right after I finish writing this sentence.

Then the next one will be of their Live Aid concert. This is things of magic, you see the crowd just amazed by them and you see why I think Freddie as the best musician period. Also if you want to see that make sure to search for it, I am not going to share it cause the last one I found got taken down.

Now they are the band I listen to for just pure happiness. Whenever I hear their music start I just smile and melt into a happy mess. I know I kind of lost track of what I was typing about but this is what music does to me. I hope you can get a small glimpse of what kind of music I like. I didn’t show everything cause 90s J-pop is my jam as well, and early 00s Rap as well, speaking of which one of my favorite songs from that time is Usher - Yeah. But let me know on social media what your favorite types of songs and genres are.

Now before I end like I stated at the start this started as What Music Does for me. I changed the title but I still left the content the same cause this does have some of my favorite music by bands, and I figured the new title works better.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Evercade and my time with it!


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